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Why join the MyMiniFactory community?

Some of the benefits of joining:

Thousands of 3D Printable designs

Find the 3D prints of your dreams or gain the inspiration for your next 3D design with thousands of free high-quality STL files.

Organise your content

Like, share, save for later or create collections with your favourite 3D printable objects. 

Engage with the community

Comment, give feedback from the MyMiniFactory community or get advice on 3D printing when you need it.

Share your content with the community

Share your favourite 3D designs on social media.

Become a 3D designer

Gain inspiration from others and start creating yourself! We have plenty of resources to kickstart your journey in 3D printing. 

Earn Money from your 3D Designs

Start earning from your talent when you open your store! 

Join the MyMiniFactory Community!

Join us now!

Your designs promoted to the global 3D printing community, 24/7

Open your designs up to a world of possibilities and customers. Your success is our passion so we’re here to support you every step of the way - opening your store is just the start of your success.

Being a designer on MyMiniFactory has its advantages:

  • Build a portfolio of your 3D designs and 3D prints
  • Daily newsletter with tips and resources on 3D design
  • 24/7 Support and advice from the MyMiniFactory team
  • Check your stats and see how your 3D objects are doing

Many 3D designers have grown successful businesses by benefitting from our advice, insight and experience. We are on your side!

With MyMiniFactory, you can also easily protect your 3D designs by choosing the appropriate license, ensuring you keep 100% of your rights. Learn more here.


Have a look at some of the companies we partner up with for 3D design challenges:


You can also start earning from the moment you open your store .


Icons licensed by CC 3.0 BY from Flaticon
Made my Freepik, Vectors Market, Eucalyp, Prosymbols and Icon Pond