PopovLaboratory Designer

Username: PopovLaboratory
3D Printing since: January 2019
Hi, I am known as "Popov" : Above all a passionate self-taught man and an insatiable creator. I need games to tell a story. I modify them, adapt them, transform them, convert everything as my needs for my pleasure and especially that of others, hoping to share my vision. Graduated from a Video Game
Hi, I am known as "Popov" : Above all a passionate self-taught man and an insatiable creator. I need games to tell a story. I modify them, adapt them, transform them, convert everything as my needs for my pleasure and especially that of others, hoping to share my vision. Graduated from a Video Game and Animation School, I forged my weapons as a Graphic Designer, then years later as Technical Director. This position allowed me to be at the crossroads of all skills and i learnt a lot to finally be comfortable in all trades. Regards
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