kevin schepp Designer

Username: The 3D Print Maniac
3D Printing since: July 2012
Hello I am the 3D printing Maniac. From the day I first heard of 3d printing I was fascinated. Pretty much any free time I get I am either 3d printing something or designing something to 3d print. It is my hope that My Mini Factory will help me share my enthusiasm for this awesome emerging technolog
Hello I am the 3D printing Maniac. From the day I first heard of 3d printing I was fascinated. Pretty much any free time I get I am either 3d printing something or designing something to 3d print. It is my hope that My Mini Factory will help me share my enthusiasm for this awesome emerging technology and its ability to let any create new and useful objects. I am using this platform to share my designs and skills to help inspire and teach as many people as possible. I truly believe that tons of problems can be solved with 3D printing and people working together. Feel free to leave a tip to help keep my dream alive. If you would like something 3D printed by me please visit my 3D hub here -
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